Hi guys! It has been so long since I wrote last time. Yes, the whole 2017-18 has been a busy year for me as I tried to get my life in Sydney settled. I can say that now I am based in Sydney. It is my life now, being together with Eugene (My fiance) who has lived here for almost all his life and working as a researcher which I found living in Sydney gives me a lot of opportunities to pursue this career. So, I am writing this post to tell you a story about my engagement, which was done in a very Chinese way, the ceremony, tradition, and of course some details of how the decision to get engaged was made. My fiance and I are both Indonesian (we were born in Indonesia) but we also come from family who still maintain Chinese tradition and rituals at home (e.g celebrating chinese new year, keeping an altar of our ancestors, finding good dates based on your chinese zodiac, etc.). I was told that 300 myyears ago, my great, great grandparents migrated from China to Indonesia. Some fami...
My life around food, travel, culture and research